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RRC Polytech Manitou A Bi Bii Daziigae

Manitou a bi Bii daziigae was previously known as the Innovation Centre project.
This is Red River College Polytechnic’s expansion of the Exchange District Campus, and the first RRC Polytech building to receive an Indigenous name.

The building is designed as a hub for technology, collaboration and community. Programs housed in the space have been developed in consultation with Manitoba’s fastest-growing industries. Construction of this 100,000 square foot facility was completed in 2021. The new building has 18 classrooms and five labs for programs focused on digital media, game development, communication management, information technology, information security, data science, web development, and social innovation and community development.

This project is one of the most advanced and forward-thinking buildings of its kind in Canada, designed to LEED Gold. The project includes the adaptive re-use of the historically designated Scott Fruit building adjacent to RRC Polytech’s existing Roblin Centre, a state-of-the-art four-storey addition, and an above-ground pedestrian walkway connecting to the Roblin Centre. The use of steel is an integral part of sustainable building, long-term durability, high recycled content, and future adaptability.


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