Glass House Skyloft
The building was a hybrid design structurally comprising of steel, delta beams, precast hollowcore & cast in place concrete to create an ”industrial urban” look.
Delta beams were used to support the hollowcore, rather than traditional beams, in order to create flat ceilings without obstructions. This combined with the hollowcore remaining as cast, i.e.no paint finish, was part of the urban look.
The columns were painted but remained totally exposed so that even the fish plates were very visible. This completed the industrial effect that the developer was looking for.
Using this system of steel columns, delta beams and hollow-core provides multiple benefits when compared to conventional cast-in-place reinforced concrete construction.
- low floor to floor heights, minimizing overall building height
- fast erection times and building completion times. (No waiting for concrete to cure before next level can be started)
- reduced building structure weight
- limited weather impact